Inspired by this very cactus, The Giving Tree of the Desert: The tale of a sauguaro cactus and its nurse tree, is a southwest twist on Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree, based on the real life relationships between young saguaro cacti and the nurse trees they depend on for survival as they grow.
A lonely Palo Verde becomes the nurse tree for a tiny black saguaro seed. It protects the baby saguaro from animals, heat, monsoon storms, and many other dangers in the desert. What will happen to the nurse tree when the saguaro grows big and tall?
This is a science-meets-storytelling tale from nature itself on how we all rely on the support of others for us to thrive.
Danielle Fradette is an Arizona transplant who has lived in the Sonoran Desert for 20+ years. She has worked in education for over 10 years and loves to help children cultivate their curiosity and creativity. She is a mother and can be found adventuring with her daughters across the Southwest any chance they get. Whether it is through writing, art, photography, or deep conversation, one of Danielle’s biggest passions is inspiring others to appreciate the amazing world around them and within them.
If you work in a Tucson-area school or are involved in a kid-focused community group, I’d love to come for a visit! Book readings, signings, activities, nature walks… what do you have in mind? Helping kids cultivate a love for storytelling, writing, our desert, and nature in general is a passion of mine so contact me to discuss a visit/event.